Here we aim to collect appearances of the project in public news outlets.
- Article October 2022 (Lund University)
On the unexpected absence of functional localization in the brain, Modern Psychology
- Article October 2022 (Lund University)
On the perceptions formed during near-death experiences. Article in Sweden’s largest newspaper, Aftonbladet
- Press release August 2022 (Lund University)
Reproductions of our press-release following the publication of our work on spinal cord circuitry development for wiring into the body sensors, thus supporting haptics (and other functions)
https://www.vetenskaphalsa.se/fosterrorelser-i-livmodern-avgorande-for-uppkoppling-kropp-ryggmarg-och-hjarna/; https://www.eurekalert.org/news-releases/956822
- Article July 2022 (Lund University)
Article on brain circuitry mechanisms of perception and how it explains ASMR, Forskning.se
- Article June 2022 (Lund University)
On the importance of brain exercising for health and longevity. Two-page article in Sweden’s second largest newspaper, Dagens Nyheter
- Live Interview June 2022 (University of Glasgow)
Ravinder Dahiya gave a live interview at OT Greek Forum
- Interview June 2022 (University of Glasgow)
Ravinder Dahiya was interviewed at BBC Radio Glouchestershire
- Panel Discussion June 2022 (University of Glasgow)
Ravinder Dahiya took part in ”Engineering With Nature” Panel Discussion at Cheltenham Science Festival
- Interview June 2022 (University of Glasgow)
Ravinder Dahiya gave a Radio Live Interview at LBC (Leading British Conversation)
- Interview June 2022 (University of Glasgow)
Ravinder Dahiya gave a Live Interview at BBC Radio Scotland
- Public Lecture March 2022 (University of Glasgow)
Ravinder Dahiya held a public lecture at u3a science in Helenburgh, UK
- Panel Discussion March 2022 (University of Glasgow)
Ravinder Dahiya was invited by ITU (United Nations) as panel member to discuss future of touch enabled robotics and AI
- Article Februari 2022 (Lund University)
Popular science magazine ‘Modern Psychology’ (Sweden), the separate brain systems for cognition and motivation and their close interweaving
- Article October 2021 (Lund University)
Article in Sweden’s largest Engineering Newspaper, Ny Teknik, on the foundation of the company IntuiCell AB, on the subject area of the company technology being as close as it is currently possible to be to how the biological brain works.
https://www.nyteknik.se/premium/intuicells-system-sa-nara-hjarnan-man-kan-komma-7022891 - Article October 2021 (Lund University)
“IntuiCell, the first spin-off company from ph-coding, was just awarded a prestigious appointment to the list of the 33 best tech-startup companies in Sweden, appointed by the leading Swedish engineering magazine ‘Ny Teknik’ (‘New technology’). The list is a highly respected institution in industry and business, and among previous awardees one can notice a number of subsequently highly successful companies, of which Spotify is perhaps the most well-known. The appointment of IntuiCell to this list is an important receipt that the technology development within ph-coding is considered highly promising. In the interview in the newspaper article, Henrik Jörntell points out the critical role that the EU- funding played in the generation of this company.”

- Article: September 2021 (Actronika)
”Tracking : #65” – Realitevirtuelle.com
- Article: August 2021 (Actronika)
”Actronika intègre le toucher dans les objets” – Micronora Information
- Television: August 2021 (Actronika)
Interview sur BFM TV dans l’émission ”Tech &Co”
- Article: July 2021 (Actronika)
”À «Laval Virtual», la réalité (presque) plus vraie que nature” – Loisirs Paris Normandie
- Article: July 2021 (Actronika)
”A Laval Virtual, l’art de rendre plus profonde encore la plongée dans des mondes imaginaires” – La Provence
- Podcast: July 2021 (Actronika)
Collaboration sur les manettes etee de TG0 pour leur campagne Kickstarter
- Tradeshow: July 2021 (Actronika)
Laval Virtual
- Article: June 2021 (Actronika)
- Article: June 2021 (Actronika)
”FLASH SUR VIVATECH 2021” – Flashtweet.fr
- Article: June 2021 (Lund University)
Intuicell, a spin-off company created based on the research performed in Ph-Coding, was recently covered in Dagens Industri, Sweden’s leading business newspaper. The article covered Intuicell’s goal of creating an AI that more closely mimics the functionality of a brain.
Intuicell bygger AI som en mänsklig hjärna (di.se)
English Translation

- Press Release: June 2021 (Lund University)
Press-release for Innovation Prize won in national competition;
https://www.innovation.lu.se/artikel/de-bygger-ai-som-en-mansklig-hjarna (”Thet build AI lika a human brain”)
- Article: June 2021 (Actronika)
”VivaTech: à la découverte des innovations du pavillon LVMH” – Fashion Network
- Tradeshow: June 2021 (Actronika)
- Article: May 2021 (Actronika)
”Les 28 startups à l’assaut du prix LVMH Innovation 2021” – Journal du Luxe
- Article: May 2021 (Lund University)
Henrik Jörntell was interviewed in the biggest Swedish Newspaper:
https://www.aftonbladet.se/nyheter/a/JJjJ38/forskarnas-teorier-om-nara-doden-upplevelser/salesposter (article about the perceptual effects reported during near-death-experiences)
- Article: February 2021 (Lund University)
Henrik Jörntell had and article in central news agency TT, republished in ~100 major newspapers in Scandinavia:
(”straying thoughts can be beneficial” – showing how new AI systems could better draw advantage of biological perception mechanisms)
- Article: January 2021 (Actronika)
”L’haptique, un enjeu majeur pour l’amélioration des dispositifs médicaux” – Device Med
- Article: January 2021 (Lund University)
Henrik Jörntell was interviewed on the subject area of brain perception in the major regional newspaper SYDSVENSKAN, ”Meditation can help when thoughts are swirling”
- Article: January 2021 (Lund University)
Henrik Jörntell was interviewed on the subject area of brain perception in the major regional newspaper SYDSVENSKAN, ”Our thoughts are not the same as reality”
- Tradeshow: November 2020 (Actronika)
Viv Healthtech
- Tradeshow: November 2020 (Actronika)
COMEUP Online Booth
- Tradeshow: September 2020 (Actronika)
- Tradeshow: September 2020 (Actronika)
- Article: July 2020 (Actronika)
”Actronika Unveils its Haptic Effects Engine for Game Developers” – Business Wire
- Presentation: June 2020 (Actronika)
Vincent Hayward (Sorbonne University) – Keynote – Latest results concerning the mechanics of touch
- Television: May 2020 (Actronika)
Interview sur B Smart Channel dans l’émission ”Small is Smart”
- Webinar: May 2020 (Actronika)
From Haptic Science to Haptic Technology – Webinar presented by Vincent Hayward
- Podcast: April 2020 (University of Glasgow)
Prof. Dahiya appear in a podcast on Soft Robotics, IEEE Robotics and Automation Society
- Article: April 2020 (Actronika)
”etee X Actronika: launch of a new generation VR haptic controller” – Business Wire
- Tradeshow: March 2020 (Actronika)
Hacking de l’Hôtel de Ville
- Webinar: March 2020 (University of Glasgow)
Prof. Dahiya appear in a Webinar on eSkin by The Proceedings of IEEE
- Tradeshow: March 2020 (Actronika)
- Article: March 2020 (Actronika)
”Using haptic technology to prevent distracted driving” – CORDIS European Commission
- Public Lecture: March 2020 (University of Glasgow)
Prof. Dahiya held a Public Lecture in the Royal Society of Glasgow
- Article: February 2020 (Actronika)
”Actronika s(t)imule le toucher” – L’Usine Nouvelle
- Tradeshow: February 2020 (Actronika)
- Interview: February 2020 (Actronika)
Prix Inria 2019 – Interview de Vincent Hayward, co-fondateur d’Actronika
- Tradeshow: January 2020 (Actronika)
- Article: January 2020 (Actronika)
”Vincent Hayward, Co-founder of Actronika, Elected to the Academy of Sciences” – Business Wire
- Television: January 2020 (Actronika)
Interview sur Al Arabyia TV
- Article: January 2020 (Actronika)
”Actronika Launches Its Own Haptic Jacket: Real-Life Sensations, for Unique Virtual Experiences”
- Television: January 2020 (Actronika)
Intervew sur 01TV dans l’émission ”01Hebdo”
- Article: January 2020 (Actronika)
”La french-tech dévoile ses atouts à Las Vegas” – CNRS Le Journal
- Television: January 2020 – February 2020 (University of Glasgow)
Prof. Dahiya appeared in Research Highlights from BEST group broadcast by CGTN Europe in their flagship science programme (Razor)
- Radio: December 2019-January 2020 (Lund University)
Prof. Jörntell appeared in Swedish National Radio (P1), Interview around the subject ‘Tickling sounds and connected sensations – about ASMR and synesthesia’, https://sverigesradio.se/avsnitt/1431742
- Television: December 2019 (Actronika)
Actronika featured in the Télématin show on the France-2 television channel
- Interview: December 2019 (University of Glasgow)
Ravinder Dahiya was interviewed for an episode of RAZOR. See pressrelease:
- Television: December 2019 (Actronika)
”La technologie au bout des doigts” – Télématin
- Article: December 2019 (Actronika)
- Article: November 2019 (Actronika)
”Le virtuel au bout des doigts” – L’Express
- Tradeshow: November 2019 (Actronika)
HMI Tech Day
- Radio: September 2019 (Lund University)
Prof. Jörntell appeared in Swedish National Radio (P4), Live interview around the subject ‘Is the memory space in the brain limited?’
- Television: September 2019 (Lund University)
Prof. Jörntell appeared in Swedish National Television, ‘Shining neurons reveals how the brain works’, https://www.svt.se/nyheter/vetenskap/lysande-nervceller-avslojar-hur-hjarnan-fungerar
- Article: July 2019 (Lund University)
Dagens Industri is Sweden’s leading business newspaper, with major impact on the market and politics. This article is part of Dagens Industri’s ambition to raise awareness of the acctors that contribute to strengthen innovativeness both in Sweden and internationally. https://usercontent.one/wp/www.ph-coding.eu/wp-content/uploads/2019/12/Dagens-industri-Almedalen-1.pdf
Here is an English translation of the article.https://usercontent.one/wp/www.ph-coding.eu/wp-content/uploads/2019/12/New-vision-of-how-the-brain-works-.pdf
- Science Festival: July 2019 (University of Glasgow)
Prof. Dahiya appeared in the Portuguese Science Festival in Lisbon, Portugal
- New Event: June 2019 (University of Glasgow)
Prof. Dahiya appeared on the Queen’s Birthday Event at the UK Embassy in Lisbon, Portugal
- Interview: May 2019 (Actronika)
Prof. Vincent Hayward was interviewed by Vivatech, Lyon, France
- Interview: May 2019 (Actronika)
Prof. Vincent Hayward was interviewed by The French National Institute for Intellectual Property (INPI)
- Podcast: April 2019 (Actronika)
Actronika Podcast interview on radio-immo.fr
- New Participation: April 2019 (Actronika)
Actronika is one of 8 start-ups selected by BPIFrance and Business France to participate in the “Ubimobility” American immersion program
- Panel Discussion: March 2019 (University of Glasgow)
Prof. Dahiya was invited for panel discussion at London Book Fair (LBF). The LBF is one of the world’s leading book fairs, and attracts a large audience of publishing professionals, agents, trade and scholarly authors, and librarians, among others.
- Panel Discussion: March 2019 (University of Glasgow)
Prof. Dahiya was invited to participate in panel discussion in KTN/Innovate UK group stand in the Wearable Technology Showcase at BDC, London.
- New Collaboration: February 2019 (Actronika)
Novares closes the deal to acquire a minority stake in the start-up Actronika to invent new user experience for the car of the future.
- Press Release: October 2018 (Lund University)
Press release by Lund university regarding the FET-Open project (https://www.lunduniversity.lu.se/article/grant-awarded-to-visionary-research-on-how-the-brain-predicts-the-outside-world)
- Vincent Hayward published a general public article in weekly in this series